PFlow Cache Manager (Beta): lo script permette di aggiungere e gestire il modificatore CacheDisk() legato ad un determinato pflow.
/*UPDATE 30/10/2014*/
/*Bug fix for cache update*/
(-- start srcipt
global ParticleCache_roll
try(destroyDialog ParticleCache_roll)catch()
rollout ParticleCache_roll "PFlow Cache Manager (beta)"
global spf = undefined
global PC_CPF = (pathConfig.getCurrentProjectFolder() )
global CfpS = (PC_CPF + "/Cache/")
global Cache_file_name
fn Cache_Name =
cont = 0
for obj in ($* as array) do
if classof obj == Cache_Disk do
Cache_file_name = getSaveFileName()
if Cache_file_name != undefined do
Cache_file = Cache_file_name + "_" + + -- ".pfc"
obj.Write_To_File = Cache_file
cont += 1
if cont == 0 do messagebox ("No Cache operators in current Pflow!") beep: false
fn Add_cache =
op1 = Cache_Disk()
spf.insertAction op1 2
op1.use_at = 2
op1.Memory_Limit = 4194304
makeDir CfpS all:true --try to make the directory
if doesFileExist CfpS then --if it does exist,
op1.Write_To_File = (CfpS + "_" + + ".pfc" )
else print ("Error make dir " + CfpS)
) --end fn Add_cache
fn Update_cache =
cont = 0
for obj in ($* as array) do
if classof obj == Cache_Disk do
spf.enable_particles = true
cont += 1
if cont == 0 do messagebox ("No Cache operators in current Pflow!") beep: false
) --end fn Update_cache
fn Clear_cache =
cont = 0
for obj in ($* as array) do
if classof obj == Cache_Disk do
cont += 1
if cont == 0 do messagebox ("No Cache operators in current Pflow!") beep: false
) --end fn Clear_cache
fn Del_cache =
cont = 0
for obj in ($* as array) do
if classof obj == Cache_Disk do
delete obj
cont += 1
if cont == 0 do messagebox ("No Cache operators in current Pflow!") beep: false
) --end fn Del_cache
pickbutton Select_PFlow "Select Pflow " width: 120 pos:[15,5]
button Cache_Name_buttom "Cache file:" width: 120 pos:[150,5]
group "Cache Option"
button Add_cache_button "Add Cache_Disk" width: 120 pos:[15,60]
button Update_cache_button "Update all Cache_Disk " width: 120 pos:[150,60]
button Clear_cache_button "Clear all Cache_Disk " width: 120 pos:[150,90]
button Del_cache_button "Delete all Cache_Disk " width: 120 pos:[15,90]
Button open_pflow "Open/Close Pflow" height: 30 pos:[15,120]
Button Open_eve_ren "Open Event renamer" height: 30 pos:[150,120]
Button Help "Help" pos:[125,160]
label Copyright "--== ==--" pos:[95,190]
--== Button Actions ==--
on Select_PFlow picked PF do
if ((PF.classid)[1]) != 1345457306
then (
messagebox "Select a Pflow elements!"
else (
Select_PFlow.text =
spf = PF
on Cache_Name_buttom pressed do
If spf != undefined then Cache_Name() else messagebox "Select a Pflow first!" beep: false
on Add_cache_button pressed do
If spf != undefined then Add_cache() else messagebox "Select a Pflow first!" beep: false
on Update_cache_button pressed do
If spf != undefined then Update_cache() else messagebox "Select a Pflow first!" beep: false
on Clear_cache_button pressed do
If spf != undefined then Clear_cache() else messagebox "Select a Pflow first!" beep: false
on Del_cache_button pressed do
If spf != undefined then Del_cache() else messagebox "Select a Pflow first!" beep: false
on Open_eve_ren pressed do
filein "G:/MyScript/"
on open_pflow pressed do (actionMan.executeAction 135018554 "32771")
on Help pressed do messageBox "PFlow Cache Manager (beta) - 2014 \n Select a Pflow and control the CacheDisk() function!" beep: false
) --end rollout
createDialog ParticleCache_roll width: 280
)--end script